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us election

Showing results for: "us election"

U.S. Midterm Elections Ahead

What You Need to Know Asian markets are on the upsurge, especially the Hong Kong market, which climbed more than 11% in November. The Sterling will suffer as the BoE has turned its focus from inflation to saving its negative economic outlook, which will drive the market to sell off more pounds. …

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U.S. Midterm Elections Underway

After weeks of campaigning, the 2022 U.S. midterm elections are set to be held on 8th November, Tuesday.  With inflation in full swing and multiple signals of an impending recession, it looks the economy – more specifically the cost of living – might decide who the winning party is. All 435 House …

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How to Use PU Prime’s Resources to Become a Better Trader

While PU Prime puts a vast amount of resources at your disposal, the large amount of information available might be a little daunting to navigate for the beginner trader. Here, we break down the available resources, and how you can use them to make informed decisions about your trading. Educational Info No …

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A Comprehensive Guide Of MT4: What Is MT4?

Key Takeaways * MT4 is a widely utilized electronic trading platform in the realm of online retail foreign exchange (forex) speculation.  * MT4 offers a user-friendly interface and powerful features for traders of all levels. * The platform is compatible with various devices, including Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. * Traders can …

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A Comprehensive Guide Of MT4: What Is MT4?

Key Takeaways * MT4 is a widely utilized electronic trading platform in the realm of online retail foreign exchange (forex) speculation.  * MT4 offers a user-friendly interface and powerful features for traders of all levels. * The platform is compatible with various devices, including Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. * Traders can …

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Best Scalping Strategies For Beginners

In the dynamic world of financial markets, traders employ various strategies to capitalize on market opportunities. One such strategy is scalping, a technique that aims to exploit short-term price fluctuations to generate quick profits. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the scalping strategy, its key principles, and considerations for …

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Dollar Boosted By Fed’s Hawkish Comments

A bounce in the U.S. dollar has put downward pressure on oil and gold prices Equity markets were stagnant while the dollar has strengthened, driven by hawkish comments from various Fed officials stressing high inflation in the U.S. On the other hand, President Joe Biden and the country’s congressional leaders are going …

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Understanding What Indices Are And How To Trade Them

Indices trading can provide several benefits to traders, which includes allowing diversification of trade, access to multiple major markets and cost effectiveness. Find out exactly what indices trading is and how to trade indices in this comprehensive guide.  What Are Indices Indices are key indicators in the financial markets, serving as a …

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FTX Declares Bankruptcy

Embattled cryptocurrency exchange FTX has declared bankruptcy in the latest saga in the crypto world. The company saw a mass exodus of holders of its native coin, FTT, after news emerged that its finances, including that of its sister trading company Alameda Research, was on shaky ground. Alameda itself is being accused …

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An Imminent Global Food Crisis?

Russia’s war in Ukraine has had a profound effect on global food distribution, and world leaders are anxious to address any coming issues. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will be meeting ministers from industrial nations – including IMF leaders and G7 members – around the world to address the growing food supply …

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Singapore Increasingly Seen as Safe Haven For Chinese Wealth

As Beijing’s crackdown on the country’s wealthy continues under president Xi Jinping’s “common prosperity” policy, an increasing number of China’s affluent are moving their money to Singapore and setting up family offices. Singapore’s attractiveness stems from its large Chinese-speaking population, lack of wealth tax, and relative proximity. The trend started in 2019 …

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