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covid in china

Showing results for: "covid in china"

Gold Struggles to Find Direction even as China Eases Covid Restrictions

China has announced that it will be lifting its strictest covid policies, including being forced to quarantine in state facilities and the need to test before entering most venues. The easing has been released in a series of new guidelines that include a ban on blocking fire exits, encouraging vaccinations among the …

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Covid Protests Erupt Across China

As frustrations mount over China’s zero covid policy and continued lockdowns, protests, a rare sight in China, have sprung up all over the country. The lastest happened on Sunday, where protesters and and police clashed in Shanghai. In Wuhan, Chengdu and the capital of Beijing, demonstraters have also taken to the streets, …

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China Sees Worst Covid-19 Outbreak Since Pandemic Start

28 of China’s 31 provinces have recently seen an outbreak of the highly-infectious Omicron variant of the coronavirus. With over 15,000 infected, this is the largest outbreak China has seen since the initial wave of the virus. The recent outbreak has hit major cities including Shanghai and Shenzhen. Dongguan city, the fifth-largest …

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Commodities Surge as China’s Economy Recovery Sprints Ahead

On Wednesday, China released its Manufacturing PMI and Caixin Manufacturing PMI for February, beating economists’ expectations of 50.5 and 50.2 respectively. A reading above 50 indicates expansion from the previous month. This is the highest reading since April 2012, marking a faster-than-expected rebound for the world’s second-largest economy after covid-19 related shutdowns …

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China’s reopening :  Is the Chinese Equity Market Warming Up?

Starting Sunday, China no longer requires quarantine for inbound travellers. No more testing requirements to board trains, planes, ferries or shuttle buses for domestic travel. While anyone wanting to enter the country will only need a 48-hour negative Covid test result. Officials estimate that the number of trips over the Chinese New …

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Outlook on Crude Positive for Early 2023 on China Reopening and OPEC+ Cuts

U.S. crude oil stockpiles fell much more than expected, according to the data of the American Petroleum Institute (API). The weekly report released by the organisation reported a draw of nearly 3.1 million barrels of crude oil for the week ending in December 16th. Compared to a build up of more than …

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Dollar Slips Ahead of Fed’s Monetary Policy Decision

With a 25-point hike already priced in for the dollar, investors have turned to the ECB’s hawkish outlook to price the euro The US Dollar slipped to a one-week low as investors pondered the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy ahead of next week’s meeting, where a rate hike is expected. Uncertainty lingers, with …

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Dollar Struggles as Investors Remain Sceptical of Fed’s Hawkish Tone

The US Dollar continues to struggle as uncertainty over US monetary policy lingers in the global financial market. Despite hawkish comments from Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic and James Bullard regarding the need for rate hikes to combat inflation, market participants remain sceptical as the recent inflation data from the US region …

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Will Chinese Demand Overshadow Supply Concerns for Crude?

A lower-than-expected build in crude oil inventories has seen the commodity trade flat as demand concerns hit the markets. On Wednesday evening, the EIA Crude Oil Inventories was released, showing a build of 522,000 barrels, putting the total inventory at 448.5 million. This is much lower than the forecasted increase of 971,000 …

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市场须知 由于市场预期将于今天晚些时候公布的美国就业数据好于预期,昨晚美国股市下跌。美联储官员也发表了相对强硬的声明,称强劲的劳动力市场允许美联储继续其加息周期更高和更长的时间。欧元区方面,市场猜测今日公布的经济体CPI指数将从上月的10.1%降至9.5%。通胀放缓将令市场相信欧洲央行在即将到来的加息中将更加温和,更何况该地区的经济前景相当悲观。另外,油价在连续2个交易日跌幅超过10%后,已经停止下跌上涨近1%。 市场看点 当前对 2 月 1日美联储利率决定的加息概率: 25个基点 (59.1%) VS 50个基点 (40.9%) 市场走势 美元指数 在昨日一连串乐观的经济数据的背景下,美元指数大幅飙升。ADP关于就业变化的调查显示,上个月私营部门又创造了23.5万个新工作岗位,远高于市场预期的15万个。此外,美国12月前一周首次申请失业救济人数降至20.4万人,也好于市场预期的22.5万人。 美元指数持平,目前正在测试阻力位。MACD显示看涨势头增强,而相对强弱指数(RSI)在52,这表明该指数可能会在成功突破阻力位后继续上涨,因为相对强弱指数(RSI)从超卖区域大幅反弹。 阻力位:105.20,108.35 支撑位:101.30,99.05 黄金/美元 受昨日美国乐观就业数据的提振,美元走强,对以美元计价的黄金构成压力。尽管如此,在今晚非农就业数据发布之前,黄金市场的短期走势仍然不确定。投资者应继续关注最新的就业数据,以更清楚地了解美国就业情况。 黄金价格走低,目前在支撑位测试。MACD显示出越来越多的看跌势头,而相对强弱指数(RSI)在46,这表明大宗商品可能会扩大跌幅,因为相对强弱指数(RSI)保持在中线以下。 阻力位:1870.00,1910.00 支撑位:1820.00,1770.00 欧元/美元 昨晚在美国非农就业人数和欧元区 CPI 指数公布前,该货币对下跌了 1%。美国私人就业数据显示该数据将超过预估数字,暗示该国劳动力市场强劲。强劲的就业市场和工资增长的压力将加剧美国的通胀风险,并最终导致美联储更积极地加息。除此之外,市场预计将于今天晚些时候公布的欧元区 CPI 数据将走弱。 CPI 指数走软让市场相信欧洲央行在即将到来的加息中会更加宽松。 指标表明该货币对看跌。 RSI 已经下降并接近超卖区域表明最近的卖力更高。 MACD 也进一步下跌,暗示该货币对的看涨势头强劲。 阻力位:1.0743, 1.0929 支撑位:1.0468, 1.0311 比特币/美元 BTC 的波动率创下历史新低,并在过去 3 周内一直在盘整。近20个交易日价格区间在16915-16435之间。交易量低。一家大型 BTC 矿业公司正在关闭其 37000 台矿机,因为由于 BTC 价格低和能源价格高,该公司每天都在记录高额亏损。市场上 …

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North Korea in a Year of Unprecedented Aggression

North Korea in a Year of Unprecedented Aggression North Korea has launched a record number of missile tests in 2022, far outnumbering previous recorded years at a total of 90 missiles fired – compared to 2021’s 8 missiles. Meanwhile, North Korean leader Kim Jung Un has ordered an ‘exponential’ increase in the …

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U.S. to Send More Aid to Ukraine

The U.S. will send another security package to Ukraine, worth US$275 million, consisting of new capabilities to boost its air defences. This puts the total amount of direct aid the U.S. has delivered to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion at $13 billion. U.S. President Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have both …

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Geopolitical Headwinds Overshadow Crude Inventory Drop

On Wednesday evening, the EIA Crude Oil Inventories was released, with a draw of 5.4 million barrels – almost 5 million higher than the expected draw of 440,000 barrels. This puts current inventories at 435.4 million barrels, 4% below the 5-year average for this time of the year.  Normally, a larger-than-expected drop …

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FTX Declares Bankruptcy

Embattled cryptocurrency exchange FTX has declared bankruptcy in the latest saga in the crypto world. The company saw a mass exodus of holders of its native coin, FTT, after news emerged that its finances, including that of its sister trading company Alameda Research, was on shaky ground. Alameda itself is being accused …

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U.S. Midterm Elections Ahead

What You Need to Know Asian markets are on the upsurge, especially the Hong Kong market, which climbed more than 11% in November. The Sterling will suffer as the BoE has turned its focus from inflation to saving its negative economic outlook, which will drive the market to sell off more pounds. …

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Fed Inflation Fears and Weak Demand Outlook Weigh on Crude

On Wednesday, 12 October (GMT+3), the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released its Short-Term Energy Outlook (SETO). Forecasts for 2023 revealed an average global oil production of 100.7 million barrels a day – down 600,000 from September’s forecast and reflecting OPEC+’s announced cuts.  Oil consumption for 2023 is forecasted to be 101 …

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Congress Passes Inflation Reduction Act

Despite its name, the Inflation Reduction Act does not, nor is it meant to ease inflation. Instead, the broadly-named $750 billion bill covers health care, taxes, and climate change in what president Joe Biden called a win for the American people and a loss for special interests. Some of the primary constituents …

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Biden Looks The Other Way For Chinese Solar Manufacturers

To boost the slowing US solar industry, Biden has ordered that regulators turn a blind eye to potential trade regulation violations by Chinese solar panel manufacturers and let them go unpunished for the next two years. This is with the hopes that an influx of cheap, foreign solar panels into the US …

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Oil Rises Despite EIA Crude Oil Inventory Increase

On Wednesday evening (GMT+3), the US EIA Crude Oil Inventories data was released. For the Week of 3 June, US inventories of crude increased by 2.025 million barrels. This is compared to the forecasted draw of 1.917 million, and the previous week’s draw of 5.068 million.  Meanwhile, distillate inventories saw a rise …

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Russia Cuts Gas to Finland

Joining the list of countries – like Poland and Bulgaria – affected by retaliatory sanctions from Russia is Finland. The country’s supply of Russian natural gas has been cut off after Helsinki officially applied to join NATO. Gasum, Finland’s state-owned gas distributor, announced that while imports had halted, they were “prepared for …

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