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13 October 2022,01:51


PU Prime 荣获 2022 年亚太地区增长最快的外汇经纪商

13 October 2022, 01:51

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进入第四季度后,PU Prime荣获全球金融刊物《世界商业展望》颁发的 2022年亚太地区最快增长的外汇经纪商(Fastest Growing Forex Broker APAC 2022)奖项。


PU Prime的业务范围遍及整个亚太地区,包括澳大利亚、香港和韩国,以及最近在泰国和印度尼西亚也设立了办事处。PU Prime已经准备好以行业领先的面貌在该地区开展业务。

除了全球业务之外,PU Prime还提供本土化的平台和客户服务,提供最佳的交易体验–在该平台您可以轻松找到超过17种不同语言的客户支持,每个国家都备有本土化的团队,以确保客户可以在需要时获得帮助。

PU Prime很荣幸可以获得行业的认可。该公司认为,该奖项是对其平台的真实反映,并承诺在未来将继续努力做到最好。

最重要的是,PU Prime要向其客户表示衷心的感谢–没有他们,这一切都不可能实现!

Step into the world of trading with confidence today. Open a free PU Prime live trading account now to experience real-time market action, or refine your strategies risk-free with our demo account.


This content is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, a personal recommendation, or an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments.

This material has been prepared without considering any individual investment objectives, financial situations. Any references to past performance of a financial instrument, index, or investment product are not indicative of future results.

PU Prime makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of this content (except newsroom articles and Trading Hours Changes messages) and accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from reliance on the information provided. Trading involves risk, and you should carefully consider your investment objectives and risk tolerance before making any trading decisions. Never invest more than you can afford to lose.



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