
About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Dollar Surges On Robust Economic Data, Fueling Investor Confidence

The US Dollar was buoyed by robust US economic data and positive market sentiment. US GDP exceeded expectations, posting a strong growth rate of 1.30% compared to the projected 1.10%. Encouraging job market data also contributed to the dollar’s strength, with Initial Jobless Claims coming in lower than anticipated at 229K. The increased likelihood ofContinue Reading


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Credit Rating Agencies Threatens to Cut U.S. Rating

Fitch has threatened to lower the US’ AAA rating as the debt ceiling issue remains at an impasse Wall Street slid as well as the Asian stock markets as the worries over the debt ceiling escalated when the time was getting closer to the X-date. Meanwhile, the dollar strengthened to its highest level since MarchContinue Reading

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