Monthly Archives: June 2023
Written on June 6, 2023 at 5:54 am, by lishitong
市场须知 在令人失望的美国服务业 PMI 数据发布后,美元价值经历了下跌,跌破 104 美元。该指数从 51.9 跌至 50.3,促使市场重新考虑美联储在 6 月暂停加息的可能性。投资者目前正在等待澳大利亚储备银行(RBA)的公告,普遍的共识是澳大利亚央行将维持当前的货币政策。然而,如果澳洲联储出人意料地加息,则澳元可能会走强。另一方面,油价几乎抹去了 OPEC+ 宣布减产所带来的所有涨幅。石油需求的悲观前景掩盖了供应削减的影响。 市场看点 当前对 6 月 14 日美联储利率决定的加息押注: Source: CME Fedwatch Tool 0个基点 (78%) 对比 25 个基点 (22%) 市场概括 财经日历 市场走势 美元指数, H4 在供应管理协会 (ISM) 的最新报告显示美国服务业放缓令人担忧,表明 5 月份接近停滞后,美元下跌。 服务活动的总体指标意外跌至今年最低水平,反映出美国经济前景不那么乐观。 由于市场参与者在低迷的服务数据中重新评估他们的预期,这一消息引发了美元价值的回撤。 美元指数总体走势保持平稳,在103.2至104.4之间波动。 RSI 和 MACD 指标表明美元指数在其交易活动中仍然表现出看涨势头。 阻力位:104.35,105.20 支撑位:103.30,102.40 黄金/美元,H4 黄金价格录得 0.89% 的涨幅,达到每盎司 1960 美元,主要受美元疲软推动。 美元贬值支撑了贵金属,因为疲软的货币通常会使黄金对投资者更具吸引力。Continue Reading
US Federal Reserve Signals June Hike Skip
Written on June 5, 2023 at 8:37 am, by lishitong
Focus has shifted from the US debt ceiling back to macro data and the Fed’s benchmark interest rate The dollar experienced its largest daily decline in almost a month as U.S. manufacturing data and statements from Federal Reserve officials reinforced expectations of a potential interest rate hike delay. Meanwhile, the euro rebounded from a two-monthContinue Reading
4 Indices Trading Strategies You Can Consider
Written on June 5, 2023 at 8:20 am, by lishitong
The Popularity of Indices Trading Strategies Trading indices is a popular way for investors and traders to gain exposure to the overall performance of a market or specific sector. Indices track the performance of a group of stocks, providing a convenient and cost-effective way to invest in a basket of stocks rather than having toContinue Reading